Friday, March 15, 2013

Chapter - 12 Draft of the Party Programme Education and Culture

Education and Culture

12.1 One of the essential conditions for national advance and for social transformation is mass literacy and ever-rising level of popular education, scientific knowledge and culture. This demands an end to the present national education policy oriented to meet the interests of the upper classes. Promotion of elitist education at the cost of mass education has to be reversed and an alternative popular education policy worked out and implemented. Primary education mist be decentralized. Non-formal education has to be strengthened and so organised as to enable the working people to be educated. The syllabus must be related to the requirements of national development and the practical needs of the masses while at the same time creating interest in the humanities and sciences. Education has to be liberated from private business houses and mafia-control. The Party will work towards a common school system and for a system of neig bourhood schools.

12.2 Democratisation, enlivening and enrichment of our creative cultural life is also called for. This needs a new national cultural policy which synthesizes our precious cultural heritage and the entire wealth of culture created by human civilization and also the multi-faceted cultures of our linguistic and ethnic groups. India's progressive heritage and composite culture have to be defended against reactionary and decadent cultural aggression.

12.3 This task has now become more urgent because of the mounting invasion of our mass media by the imperialist-controlled and corporate-controlled media organisations which distort reality. These seek to colonise minds and alienate us from our own cultural roots. A new massive cultural movement of people utilizing new organisational forms and carrying forward our traditions of patriotism, national unity and communal amity, international solidarity, rational thinking and the passionate urge for social changes and social justice must be built. Fidelity to truth, to life and the masses must be its hallmark.

12.4 The launching of the Progressive Writers' Association (PWA) and the Indian Peoples' Theatre Association (I PT A) during the freedom movement made a great contribution in these spheres. They gave depth and content to our struggle for independence. They are of even greater significance in fulfilling the tasks of completing the New Democratic Revolution and during the transition period to socialism. They are an integral part of the ideological, cultural battle against the forces of neo-colonialism, obscurantism, orthodoxy, chauvinism, and unscientific thoughts propagated by the reactionary forces. They have to be strengthened.

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