By Comrade A.B. Bardhan,
CPI Headquarters, Central Office,
Ajoy Bhavan, 15 Com. Indrajit Gupta Marg, New Delhi - 110002
The Draft was introduced at the 21 st Party Congress at Patna. It was agreed that it should be widely circulated for discussion among Party members and within Party units, as well as for open discussion in public.
Times have changed and so have the situation in which we are working today. The old programmes, and the last 'Programmatic Document' are no longer valid. The Draft attempts to analyse the present situation both in India and the contemporary world. It tries to summarize the changes that have taken place within the world capitalist system and the developments that have taken place within the path of capitalist development in India, particularly after the adoption of neo-liberalism. The Draft seeks to understand the changes that have taken place within the various classes in Indian society as well as the changes that have occurred within the various groups and identities during this period. Since the task is not merely to analyse and understand these changes but to radically transform the socio-political conditions in India, the Draft has indicated the path for the completion of the Democratic Revolution and the subsequent advance towards socialism in India. As the Draft states: Repudiating all dogmatic and doctrinaire thinking and revisionist trends, the Party will apply the science of Marxism-Leninism to the specific conditions of India for charting the path to such a new socialist society.
This path will be determined by the specific historical conditions obtaining, as well as the particular characteristics and features of our own country, its history, tradition, . culture, social composition and level of development. It is not based on any model. It will be unique and specially Indian path to socialism in this 21 st Century.
We invite suggestions, amendments, detetions and additions from all quarters which will help improve the Draft.
We request that while doing so it will be helpful if the relevant section and para is indicated. They have been numbered in the Draft. This of course does not apply to general criticisms and suggestions, which too we will welcome. The Party leadership intends to convene a Special Plenum or Conference sometime by the end of this year or the beginning of the next year to adopt the Programme after taking into account all the suggestions and views arising from the discussions. Meanwhile, a Committee is being constituted to process all suggestions, views, criticism and amendments.
CPI Headquarters, Central Office,
Ajoy Bhavan, 15 Com. Indrajit Gupta Marg, New Delhi - 110002

Times have changed and so have the situation in which we are working today. The old programmes, and the last 'Programmatic Document' are no longer valid. The Draft attempts to analyse the present situation both in India and the contemporary world. It tries to summarize the changes that have taken place within the world capitalist system and the developments that have taken place within the path of capitalist development in India, particularly after the adoption of neo-liberalism. The Draft seeks to understand the changes that have taken place within the various classes in Indian society as well as the changes that have occurred within the various groups and identities during this period. Since the task is not merely to analyse and understand these changes but to radically transform the socio-political conditions in India, the Draft has indicated the path for the completion of the Democratic Revolution and the subsequent advance towards socialism in India. As the Draft states: Repudiating all dogmatic and doctrinaire thinking and revisionist trends, the Party will apply the science of Marxism-Leninism to the specific conditions of India for charting the path to such a new socialist society.
This path will be determined by the specific historical conditions obtaining, as well as the particular characteristics and features of our own country, its history, tradition, . culture, social composition and level of development. It is not based on any model. It will be unique and specially Indian path to socialism in this 21 st Century.
We invite suggestions, amendments, detetions and additions from all quarters which will help improve the Draft.
We request that while doing so it will be helpful if the relevant section and para is indicated. They have been numbered in the Draft. This of course does not apply to general criticisms and suggestions, which too we will welcome. The Party leadership intends to convene a Special Plenum or Conference sometime by the end of this year or the beginning of the next year to adopt the Programme after taking into account all the suggestions and views arising from the discussions. Meanwhile, a Committee is being constituted to process all suggestions, views, criticism and amendments.
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